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Which kind of fishing trip to choose?

How to choose the stay that suits you best?

To help you to answer these questions, Pêche Irlande Connemara (translate Connemara Ireland Fishing) offers different fishing options in rivers, lakes and sea fishing to ensure that you have an unforgettable experience.


Fancy a trip to discover the variety of fish, in lake, river and sea? Get a customised personal quote! Feel free to send us your request via the contact form!

Pike Fishing Ireland
Lakes' predators and salmonids fishing formula "Trophy Predators"


With this package you are dealing with one thing, fishing!!!

We collect you at the airport and arranged all transfer, accommodation, equipment throughout your visit.

This is the ideal formula for groups of friends, families or any individuals who wish to meet other people sharing the same passion for fishing!

Stay only offered on certain dates.

Pike fishing Ireland
Pike fishing

Pike fishing quality in Ireland is no longer in doubt. We are based in the Great Lakes region to search mainly trophy fish.

Within thirty Kilometres from your accommodation, you can fish the legendary lakes such as Lough Mask, Lough Corrib and Lough Carra but also smaller lakes when the weather is bad.

We offer two types of accommodation to best meet your requirements.

peche truite irlande

Trout and salmon fishing in rivers

There are a dozen rivers of wild brown trout (spate, lake and migratory rivers) around your accommodation.

Come track our famous "Brownies" (Fario trout) and the powerful Atlantic Salmon using fly, lure and natural bait.


Sea fishing lures stay

Fish from almost pristine areas from any fishing pressure in search of our coastal predators!

Personalized guidance and service.

Discover the fishing potential of Clew Bay and the Connemara Wild Atlantic Coast!

pêche mouche irlande
Salmonid lake fly fishing


We have a great fishing area for fly fishing in a boat with reputation second to none. Lough Mask, Lough Corrib and Lough Carra produce each year record breaking trout. They are waiting for you!

Boat fishing (in lough style) offers the best oppotunity to catch large specimen (average size of 40cm).

To cope with large lakes, we have several traditional Irish boats. They are handy, stable and designed to face rough weather safely. In addition, the quality of their drift is remarkable.

Two types of formulas are proposed below; Click on the one you want!

Guiding day

Discover the fishing wealth of the region with one of our guided day trips.

This is the ideal service to experience fishing in Ireland or to improve your fishing expertise with the help of a guide who is familiar with modern techniques and these areas.

Fishing in lakes, rivers or sea according to your wishes, using fly and lures.

Ireland Fishing Adventures LTD - INCOMING TOUR OPERATOR

​Certificate of Incorporation Number 475245 Dublin act 14/09/2009


Directeur Jean-philippe Carnet - Stéphanie Thiollet

Westport Louisburgh CO-Mayo


Pêche en Irlande Pêche brochet Irlande gäddfiske ireland gädda fiske Séjour pêche brochet irlande pêche truite irlande pêche saumon irlande séjour pêche truite irlande séjour pêche saumon irlande

Pêche en Irlande Pêche en Irlande
Pêche brochet Irlande
gäddfiske ireland
gädda fiske
Séjour pêche brochet irlande
pêche truite irlande
pêche saumon irlande
séjour pêche truite irlande
séjour pêche saumon irlande

Pêche en Irlande Pêche brochet Irlande gäddfiske ireland gädda fiske Séjour pêche brochet irlande pêche truite irlande pêche saumon irlande séjour pêche truite irlande séjour pêche saumon irlande
Pêche en Irlande Pêche brochet Irlande gäddfiske ireland gädda fiske Séjour pêche brochet irlande pêche truite irlande pêche saumon irlande séjour pêche truite irlande séjour pêche saumon irlande
Pêche en Irlande Pêche brochet Irlande gäddfiske ireland gädda fiske Séjour pêche brochet irlande pêche truite irlande pêche saumon irlande séjour pêche truite irlande séjour pêche saumon irlande
Pêche en Irlande Pêche brochet Irlande gäddfiske ireland gädda fiske Séjour pêche brochet irlande pêche truite irlande pêche saumon irlande séjour pêche truite irlande séjour pêche saumon irlande

Séjour de pêche en Irlande, pêche au brochet, pêche de la truite, pêche du saumon, pêche du brochet en irlande, pêche de la truite en irlande, pêche du saumon en irlande, pêche en mer en irlande, séjour pêche irlande, séjour pêche, pêche connemra, brochet connemara, truite connemara, saumon connemara, jean-philippe carnet pêche irlande, séjour pêche jean-philippe carnet, pêche irlande jean-philippe carnet, guide pêche irlande,Pêche en Irlande
Pêche brochet Irlande
gäddfiske ireland
gädda fiske
Séjour pêche brochet irlande
pêche truite irlande
pêche saumon irlande
séjour pêche truite irlande
séjour pêche saumon irlande

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